Table Of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Usage
  3. Stages
  4. Workspaces
  5. Containers
  6. Setup
  7. Secrets
  8. Phases
    1. mojo run
    2. mojo secrets
    3. mojo collect
    4. mojo builddeps
    5. mojo script
    6. mojo build
    7. mojo repo
    8. mojo deploy
    9. mojo bundle
    10. mojo sleep
    11. mojo verify
    12. mojo nagios-check
    13. mojo juju-check-wait
    14. mojo stop-on
  9. Debug-Logs
  10. Exec-On-Failure
  11. Specs
  12. Spec URLs
  13. Logging
  14. Continuous Integration
  15. FAQ


Mojo is a deployment workflow system for Juju.

Mojo is a continuous integration and continuous delivery system for Juju-based services. It is intended to replace custom scripts and manual manipulation used to deploy and maintain services.

The power of Mojo is versatility. By creatively organizing phases and configuration files many deployment permutations can be tested.


Mojo provides several commands, each performing one phase of a Juju deployment process. These commands reference a Mojo spec for details about the environment, charms, and deployment processes.

In addition to commands which control your deployment, Mojo includes tools for working with specs, preparing your deployment, and for integrating with CI systems like Jenkins.


A Mojo project is the directory where deployment artifacts are assembled for testing.

Typically there is one project per juju environment. There can be many workspaces per project.

The default MOJO_ROOT depends on the type of container being used (see below for details about the different container types). For LXC containers the default is /srv/mojo and for LXD containers or containerless projects it is ~/.local/share/mojo/, so projects are located in:




The LOCAL directory is where secrets should be placed for use by the deployment (see the section about secrets below):




The Mojo secrets phase copies data from the LOCAL directory to the workspace local directory.

The ROOTFS directory is the container rootfs.




where $MOJO_SERIES is precise, trusty, etc.


Stages are arbitrarily-defined identifiers which distinguish different deployment environments to be used with the same spec. Typical stages are devel, staging, and production, but these are just conventions and any identifier can be used here to reflect your desired purposes. For example, you may have multiple production environments reflecting different cloud provider regions, so each of these could have its own stage.


A Mojo workspace is a directory used for assembling a particular version of the specification being tested. Typically, a workspace is named for the revision number of the spec and the stage. i.e 23-production:


Workspace layout:

The specification is pulled from a repository or directory to the spec directory:


The build directory is where collect phase stores the charms and payload data by default. The build phase script should point to the contents in this directory:


The charms directory is where the repo phase setups up the charm repository. The deploy phase deploys charms from this location:


The Mojo secrets phase copies data from the LOCAL directory (see above) to the workspace local directory:



A Mojo project may also have a container associated with it. Currently mojo may be containerless, use an LXC container or an LXD container. This is decided at project creation time using the --container switch to project-new.

LXC/LXD: If a project is setup using a container by default, all build phases will be run within the container with no network access. The default can be changed using lxc=False in the options. Other script phases can be run within the container using lxc=True. Apt packages will be installed in the container during the builddep phase. NOTE: LXD is only supported on xenial and later.

containerless: If the project is setup containerless then all mojo commands are run directly on the host with whichever libraries, packages and resources the host may have.

Setup Commands

Create a new project:

mojo project-new $MOJO_PROJECT -s $MOJO_SERIES --container [lxc, lxd, containerless]
# eg:
mojo project-new my-stack-name -s trusty -c lxd

List all projects:

mojo project-list

Delete a project:

mojo project-destroy $MOJO_PROJECT

Create a new workspace:

mojo workspace-new --project $MOJO_PROJECT -s $MOJO_SERIES $SPEC_URL $MOJO_WORKSPACE
# eg:
mojo workspace-new --project my-stack-name -s trusty lp:~user/mojo-specs/my-stack-name stack-test-wip

List all workspaces:

mojo workspace-list --project $MOJO_PROJECT -s $MOJO_SERIES
# eg:
mojo workspace-list --project my-stack-name -s trusty

Delete a workspace:

mojo workspace-destroy --project $MOJO_PROJECT -s $MOJO_SERIES $MOJO_WORKSPACE
# eg:
mojo workspace-destroy --project my-stack-name -s trusty stack-test-wip

Environment Variables

To shorten commands, you can configure environment variables as follows:


With these set, rather than doing:

mojo run --project my-project --series trusty --stage devel /path/to/spec/repo test-wip

You can simply do:

mojo run


Secrets play a major role in the complexity of deploying a production environment and therefore need to be tested along with the rest of the stack.

Secrets are any data required by the spec which cannot be stored in the spec repository, including TLS keys and certificates, access tokens, database passwords, etc., and any configuration items which are dependent upon the target infrastructure, such as public IP addresses and persistent volume ids.

Although a goal of Mojo is to organize as much as possible in the specification repository, this does not apply to secrets. This is to ensure that we can share knowledge of the specification with as many people as possible, but restrict access to secrets to only those deploying into a specific environment (such as the production instance of a given service).

So, by design, there is a manual element to secrets handling in Mojo. Mojo will assume secrets can be found at this location:


The Mojo secrets phase will copy secrets from this location to the workspace local directory:


Be sure to add the secrets phase to your manifest early enough to make secrets available to the rest of the phases. This makes the secrets available inside the LXC/LXD container. They are then available to the later phases in $MOJO_LOCAL.

Types of secrets

There are two types of secrets which are commonly included in a specification:

  1. Secret options to a charm configuration. An example would be a charm which requires Swift credentials to be able to upload data into Swift.

    This requires the secrets to be available during a deploy phase. Fortunately, juju-deployer can use multiple deployer config files. We can pass a second juju-deployer config file by using the local= setting in the deploy phase, and having the file we specify here include the secret options.

    Place a juju-deployer config file with secrets in the following location:


    $SECRETS_FILE can be an arbitrary file name (secrets is a good file name for clarity).

    Example secrets file (called secrets):

            db-username: myDbUsername
            db-password: myDbPass

    Example services file (called services):

      series: trusty
          charm: mycharm
            non-secret-option-1: value1
            non-secret-option-2: value2
            # It is OK to have secret content which is base64 included in
            # the services file (i.e. certificates, keys)
            ssl_key: include-base64://{{local_dir}}/mysite.key

    Example manifest deploy line:

    deploy config=services local=secrets

    Juju-deployer will merge the two files, so it will effectively be deploying:

      series: trusty
          charm: mycharm
            db-username: myDbUsername
            db-password: myDbPass
            non-secret-option-1: value1
            non-secret-option-2: value2
            # It is OK to have secret content which is base64 included in
            # the services file (i.e. certificates, keys)
            ssl_key: include-base64://{{local_dir}}/mysite.key
  2. Secret files which are to be included in the deployment in some other way. This could be TLS keys, or a script which includes a database password that will be manually copied to an application server.

    As you can see above, we have a TLS key ($MYSITE.key) which is included in the deployment by turning the contents of a particular file into base64 output, which the charm then converts back to a file as part of the deployment. As a result, we'd want to put $MYSITE.key into our secrets directory - $MOJO_ROOT/LOCAL/$MOJO_PROJECT/$MOJO_STAGE/ - and then by running the secrets phase, that file is copied to {{local_dir}} to be used as part of this charm deployment.


Mojo arranges deployments into several phases in order to ensure their repeatability. By breaking a deployment into small parts, Mojo allows you to easily build separate staging and production (or any other) environments whose differences are carefully controlled. You can also gather important information about each phase of your deployment to help you improve the quality and stability of your service.

Each phase may be performed any number of times, in any order. The typical progression for a Mojo deployment is: collect, builddeps, build, repo, services, relations, verify.

All phases require the --project, --series, --workspace and --stage switches. These values can also be provided by the environment variables $MOJO_PROJECT, $MOJO_SERIES, $MOJO_WORKSPACE and $MOJO_STAGE

Phase Commands

mojo run

The one command to rule them all. The mojo run command pulls down the spec url, reads the manifest and begins executing each phase in order per the manifest.

mojo run --project $MOJO_PROJECT --series $MOJO_SERIES --stage $MOJO_STAGE $SPEC_URL $MOJO_WORKSPACE
# eg:
mojo run --project my-stack-name --series trusty --stage devel lp:~user/mojo-specs/my-stack-name stack-test-wip

mojo secrets

The secrets phase copies secrets files from the LOCAL directory (Default: $MOJO_ROOT/LOCAL/$MOJO_PROJECT/$MOJO_STAGE) to the workspace local directory ($MOJO_WORKSPACE_DIR/local) where they can be accessed by the remaining phases.

    Directory where secrets are stored

See the above section about secrets for more information.

mojo collect

The collect phase gathers all code and other resources required to build your service via codetree. Some services may be composed only of charms, while others may collect static content, local configuration, or code which must be compiled.

The collect configuration file is a Jinja2 template that is used to generate a valid codetree configuration file. The format is the following, where destination is relative to $MOJO_WORKSPACE_DIR/build and source is a remote resource or a local directory. Example:

destination             source1
../spec/destination     source2

    The name of the codetree collect configuration file

    The number of threads codetree creates to retrieve all the code
    If not specified, codetree will create a maximum of the number
    of sources specified in collect configuration file

The following variables will be set in the template: project, workspace, series, stage, stage_name, and stage_parent. Example:

{% if stage_name == "devel" -%}
nrpe                       cs:nrpe;channel=candidate
{% else -%}
nrpe                       cs:nrpe
{% endif -%}

mojo builddeps

The builddeps phase prepares the container by installing any required packages, apt repositories or apt repository gpg keys. It is passed the package, repos, and repo_keys options using a comma-delimited list.

    Comma-delimited list of apt repository GPG key file names
    Comma-delimited list of apt repositories (See man apt-add-repository)
    Comma-delimited list of packages.

Note that all packages are installed with --no-install-recommends, so you must be explicit about dependent packages.

mojo script

A script phase executes a user-defined script. Use scripts to manipulate your Juju units directly or to set up external resources.

The script phase can be used for testing juju upgrade-charm $CHARM after an initial deploy has completed.

A script phase run outside the container may be needed to access nova or juju commands without the need to copy nova credentials into the container.

Environment variables are injected into the script environment (Build and verify are subclasses of script and get these too).

MOJO_PROJECT = Mojo project name
MOJO_WORKSPACE = Workspace name
MOJO_WORKSPACE_DIR = Workspace path
MOJO_BUILD_DIR = Workspace build dir
MOJO_REPO_DIR = Workspace repo dir
MOJO_SPEC_DIR = Workspace spec dir
MOJO_LOG_DIR = Workspace log dir
MOJO_LOCAL_DIR = Workspace local dir
MOJO_STAGE_NAME = Shortened Stage, e.g. mystage/production -> production
MOJO_STAGE_PARENT = The opposite of MOJO_STAGE_NAME, e.g. mystage/production -> mystage

    The name of the script to be executed
    Whether to execute the script inside the lxc or lxd container
    Defaults to False, except for the build phase which forces
    File to search for defining debug-log config. 
    Debug-log won't be run when stages matching this name are used
    Name of stage-specific script to execute in case of failure
    All KEY=VALUE paramaters will be set as environment variables for use
    by the script

See this section for syntax and more details on debug-logs. See this section for syntax and more details on exec-on-failure.

mojo build

A build phase is nearly identical to a script phase, except that network access in the container is prohibited during execution. This ensures that all required resources are documented and available during collect.

    The name of the build script to be executed

mojo repo

The repo phase assembles a local Juju charm repository from a charm-to-directory mapping.

By building a separate repo (rather than using the build directory), Mojo allows the developer to structure the build directory in any way s/he likes. The charm map also becomes an explicit list of the charms expected to be used in a deployment.

The repo configuration file is a text file of space-delimited key-value pairs, one per line. Each key is the name of a charm. Each value is the path, relative to $MOJO_SPEC_DIR/build, where the charm is located. If the charm name and path are the same, the path may be omitted.

    The name of the repo configuration file

mojo deploy

During a deploy phase, charms are deployed and/or related via juju-deployer.

The deploy configuration file is a valid juju-deployer configuration file. The juju-deployer configuration file can be templated. Jinja2 is used to produce the final result. The following variables are available in the template:

workspace: $MOJO_WORKSPACE
series: $MOJO_SERIES
spec_dir: The spec directory path
local_dir: The local directory path where secrets are found
build_dir: The build directory path
repo_dir: The path to the root of the charm repository
charm_dir: repo_dir with the project series appended, i.e. $MOJO_REPO_DIR/$MOJO_SERIES
stage: $MOJO_STAGE directory path i.e. $TEAM/$SERVICE/$STAGE
stage_name: basename($MOJO_STAGE) i.e. Just $STAGE
stage_parent: dirname($MOJO_STAGE) i.e. Just $TEAM/$SERVICE

The deploy phase is often separated into services and relations which gives the tester a better idea where failures are occurring.

    The name of the deploy juju-deployer configuration file. Can supply
    multiple times, comma separated.
    The name of the local juju-deployer configuration file. Found in the
    workspace local directory. It contains secrets or other information
    which cannot be included in the spec repository.
    The juju environment to deploy in from environments.yaml.
    The juju deployer delay between instance deploys in seconds.
    Default: 0 seconds
    We check juju status after each deploy phase. How long in seconds
    before we timeout if instances remain in a pending status.
    Default: 1800 (30min)
    If the deploy configuration has multiple target this can be used to specify which to run.
    Overall timeout for the juju-deployer deployment.
    Default: 2700 (45min)
    Number of times to let juju-deployer retry failed units (-r).
    Default: unset (no retry)
    Wait for the environment to reach steady state.
    Default: False
    How long to wait for the environment to reach steady state.
    Default: 300 (5 minutes)
    Update config items in environment's services to match the config.
    Default: False
    Additional states that should be considered as ready when checking juju status after a deploy
    phase. Also applies within a deploy phase after configuring applications/services but before 
    configuring relations. For example: blocked,waiting
    Default: unset (no additional states)
    How long to wait between successful exit of juju-deployer and when
    the juju status check is run.
    Default: 0 (No wait)

  mojo deploy-show
    Show rendered juju-deployer configuration. Render the configuration with
    all options and inheritance.
    Options are the same as the mojo deploy phase above
  mojo deploy-diff
    Show juju-deployer diff. Generate a delta between a configured deployment
    and a running environment
    Options are the same as the mojo deploy phase above
    The following additional command-line options are supported:
        Update config items in environment's services to match the config.
        Display config items that differ from those in the live environment.
    These may also be invoked in manifests as phases of the same
    name, and supplied with the same options as the "deploy" phase to
    specify the configuration to use.

mojo bundle

During a bundle phase, charms are deployed and/or related via juju's bundle functionality. This requires at least juju 2.3 to function properly and will not allow itself to be called with a lower client version.

The configuration is a valid juju bundle, the bundle may be templated, Jinja2 is used to produce the final configuration file. The following variables are available in the template:

workspace: $MOJO_WORKSPACE
series: $MOJO_SERIES
spec_dir: The spec directory path
local_dir: The local directory path where secrets are found
build_dir: The build directory path
stage: $MOJO_STAGE directory path i.e. $TEAM/$SERVICE/$STAGE
stage_name: basename($MOJO_STAGE) i.e. Just $STAGE
stage_parent: dirname($MOJO_STAGE) i.e. Just $TEAM/$SERVICE

A bundle phase may be separated into services and relations to allow the user a better idea of where failures may be occurring.

    The name of the deploy juju bundle file. Can supply
    multiple times, comma separated.
    The name of the local juju bundle file. Found in the
    workspace local directory. It contains secrets or other information
    which cannot be included in the spec repository.
    We check juju status after each phase. How long in seconds
    before we timeout if instances remain in a pending status.
    Default: 1800 (30min)
    Wait for the environment to reach steady state.
    Default: False
    How long to wait for the environment to reach steady state.
    Default: 300 (5 minutes)
    Additional states that should be considered as ready when checking juju status after a deploy
    Default: unset (no additional states)
    How long to wait between successful exit of juju and when
    the juju status check is run.
    Default: 0 (No wait)
    By default, new machines will be created by the bundle and associated to the machines' ID specified
    in the bundle configuration file.
    Using this option allows the bundle to use existing machines in the model.
    Additionally map machines X (in the bundle configuration) to X' (the current machine ID in the model).
    See for more details.

  mojo bundle-show
    Show rendered bundles. Render the configuration with all options and inheritance.
    Options are the same as the mojo bundle phase above
  mojo bundle-diff
    Show juju --dry-run output. Generate a delta between a configured deployment
    and a running environment, options are the same as the mojo bundle phase above
    These may also be invoked in manifests as phases of the same
    name, and supplied with the same options as the "bundle" phase to
    specify the configuration to use.

It is important to note that, unlike deployer phases, bundle phases will apply any configuration changes in the bundles against the live environment. For example, if a user were to deploy an apache2 service, then change the charm options for apache2 in the bundle and re-run mojo, the changed options would be applied to the deployed apache2 service. This is analogous to the deployer phase's apply-config-changes being set to True.

Also important to be aware of is how bundles specify charm locations. Where juju-deployer was able to deduce the location of charms from the mojo environment variables, bundles require that you explicitly specify a path to a local charm if that's what you intend to deploy, like so:

charm: {{ charm_dir }}/haproxy

This specifies the full path to a multi-series charm fetched locally by codetree. Of course you can also use charm store charms by simply prepending your charm name with cs: in the bundle and this is implicit if no path is specified, so bundles default to deploying charm store charms.

mojo sleep

Inject wait time between phases. Used when a juju command such as upgrade-charm has been executed and time is needed before the next phase begins.

  Number of seconds to sleep

mojo verify

The verify phase is also a particular type of script phase. During verify, tests are performed to ensure that the previous phases have resulted in a working service. When a verify step succeeds, the deployment is considered as success.

    The name of the verify script to be executed
    Whether to execute the script inside the lxc or lxd container
    How many times to retry (defaults to 1, i.e. doesn't retry)
    How many seconds to wait between retries (defaults to 5)
    File to search for defining debug-log config. 
    Debug-log won't be run when stages matching this name are used
    Name of stage-specific script to execute in case of failure

See this section for syntax and more details on debug-logs. See this section for syntax and more details on exec-on-failure.

mojo nagios-check

Run all nagios checks on all units in an environment. This phases connects to every unit in an environment and runs nagios checks as configured in /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/. Any non-zero output (i.e. warning, critical, unknown) will be considered a failure. Any machines with no services running will be logged as a warning but not considered a failure. However, any machines with services running, but nagios not installed will be considered a failure.

    The default checks to skip. Should be a comma-separated list with no spaces.
    Additional checks to skip. Should be a comma-separated list with no spaces.
    How many times to retry (defaults to 1, i.e. doesn't retry)
    How many seconds to wait between retries (defaults to 5)
    Which services to run nagios checks against (defaults to all). Should
    be a comma-separated list with no spaces.

mojo juju-check-wait

Wait for juju environment to reach a steady state, or errors if there is a problem with the environment.

    We check juju status after each deploy phase. How long in seconds
    before we timeout if instances remain in a pending status.
    Default: 1800 (30min)
    Whether to wait for the workload to reach an active state. If set
    to False it does not pay attention to any workload state except
    'error', because charms are not required to set their state
    Default: False

mojo stop-on

The stop-on phase is also a particular type of script phase. If you want to run a script that will optionally stop execution of further phases in a manifest, you can designate a particular return code to do so. Any other return code will raise an exception, or a zero return code will continue execution of later phases in the manifest.

    The name of the stop-on script to be executed
    The return code to stop further execution of the manifest on. Any other
    return code will raise an exception, or a zero return code will
    continue execution of later phases in the manifest

  stop-on return-code=99 config=check-for-changes


In some phases (such as 'script' and 'verify'), Mojo supports a debug-logs option. In case of a failure of the associated phase, Mojo will look for a config file matching the name of the "debug-logs" option (by default, "debug-logs"). This config file can be stage-specific or the same for all stages in a specification.

The format of the file is as follows:

    config-files: ['/path/to/config-files/*', '/path/to/another/file']
    directory-listings: ['/path/of/directories/to/list']
    logs: ['/path/of/logfiles/*.log','/path/of/another/logfile']
    config-files: ['/path/to/config-files/*conf']
    directory-listings: ['/path/of/directory/to/list']
    logs: ['/path/of/logfiles']

If Mojo is not running a stage that matches debug-logs-stages-to-exclude (which defaults to production), it will iterate through this file, connecting to each service and printing the contents of specified configuration files, listing directories as appropriate, and printing the last 200 lines of any log files specified. Files and directory names are expanded using python glob.


In script, verify and deploy phases Mojo supports an exec-on-failure option. In case of a failure of the associated phase, Mojo will look for a script matching the name of the "exec-on-failure" option (by default, "exec-on-failure"). This config file can be stage-specific or the same for all stages in a specification.

The script must be executable, and will be run outside of the project container.


A Mojo spec is simply a repository of files. The spec includes a manifest file which is used by mojo run to run all configured phases.

Mojo is to specs as juju is to charms. The specs are where the real power of mojo comes to light. By creatively arranging the phases and corresponding configurations and scripts one can test almost anything. Initial deployments, code updates, charm updates, and order of relations all can be tested using various combinations of phases and configuration.

Creating a new Spec

The helper command mojo new-spec dir-name will create a new spec based on a commented template. The spec will be created at the path dir-name or in the named directory of your current working dir if only a name is given.

It is highly recommended that you add your spec directory to source control using your preferred source control system.

spec layout

There are two supported approaches for structuring a spec repository:

  1. Single spec in one repository

    At the top of the directory is the manifest which lists which phases are executed in which order. There are directories for each stage - see the above section about stages for more information.

    Inside the stage directories are configuration files and scripts which correspond to the phases listed in the manifest. Mojo will check the $MOJO_STAGE directory recursively.

    Example spec layout:

  2. Multiple specs in one repository

    Example spec layout:


    This example shows two specs within the same repository. The first would be called with a stage of team1/service1/devel and the second would be called with a stage of team2/service2/devel.

    The nesting of directories can be arbitrary based on your needs. If you only need one level of nesting you could have service1/devel or if you need three levels of nesting you could have department1/team1/service1/devel.

The spec manifest

A manifest defines the deployment progression. It lists phases, one per line, along with optional key=value pairs pointing to scripts or configuration files in the stage directory.

A simple example:

deploy config=services
deploy config=relations

A more interesting example including an upgrade charm script:

builddeps repo_keys=ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg repos="deb trusty-updates/cloud-tools main" packages=bzr,make,python-virtualenv,libpq-dev,python-dev,zip
script config=predeploy lxc=True MYVAR=True
# Deploy services requiring persistent storage
deploy config=services-with-storage
# Deploy main services
deploy config=services local=secrets
# Relate subordinate charms
deploy config=subordinate-relations
# Relate charms
deploy config=relations
script config=postdeploy MYVAR=False
# Rebuild with updated charm or payload
collect config=collect-upgrade
# Upgrade charms
script config=upgrade-charm

Any comment in a manifest (a line beginning with a single '#') will be included in the logged output when the spec is run. Comments beginning with a double-hash ('##') will not be included in the logged output.

Manifests support includes. So, our manifest might look like this:

deploy config=services
include config=other-manifest

We would then have a file called other-manifest in the same directory as manifest and it might contain this:

script config=post-deploy

mojo run would do the equivalent of running a manifest like this:

deploy config=services
script config=post-deploy

But we could also mojo run -m other-manifest, which would only run the following phases:

script config=post-deploy

Spec URLs

It is recommended that your spec be kept in a source control repository. The spec_url argument or MOJO_SPEC environment variable can be of any source url format supported by codetree including bzr repositories, git repositories or even local directories.

The codetree defaults are generally relied upon and normally this is good for example it is faster to avoid overwrite for a workspace used multiple times. However if needed you can add codetree style source options. For example each line below is a valid spec_url



You can either use a command line option or an environment variable to set a logfile location for Mojo. This will mean the output of all commands are sent to that logfile in addition to being output on the console. This can be very useful for referring back to later, or for exposing the results of Mojo commands to others.

export MOJO_LOGFILE=/tmp/mojo.log
mojo run


mojo -L /tmp/mojo.log run

The default option is to log to:


Continuous Integration


The mojo-to-jenkins script uses the contrib/jenkins/job-templates to generate jenkins jobs. Jenkins can then execute mojo runs against the given specification.

cd contrib/jenkins/mojo-to-jenkins
./mojo-to-jenkins $MOJO_PROJECT $SPEC_URL


  1. Should I run mojo with sudo?

    No, mojo calls sudo for you, so you should never have to run mojo with sudo. Mojo itself will call subcommands with sudo and you will be asked for your sudo password. The need for your sudo password can be completely removed by installing the contrib/99-mojo-sudoers file and adding your user to the mojo group.

    For automated systems, such as jenkins, that cannot use sudo passwords, the contrib/99-mojo-sudoers file is necessary.

  2. Why should or shouldn't I use a container with my project?

    The benefit of using a container is for build or script phases that require libraries, packages, or any other resources that do not exist on the host machine. By using a container one can test the build resources themselves without affecting the host machine's functionality. By using a contianer one may test the build or script phases in a different version of the OS than the host. By restricting network access during the build phase one mimics production environments that may have restricted egress firewall rules.

    If your mojo spec does not have a build phase or does not require any libraries, packages or resources not already available on the host during any of the script phases then a containerless project is the optimal choice. A containerless project uses less overhead and takes up less disk space.

  3. Why do I get /var/lib/lxc/$MOJO_PROJECT/config permission denied?

    Depending on which version of lxc is installed it may be necessary to widen the permissions on /var/lib/lxc. If one sees permission denied on /var/lib/lxc/$MOJO_PROJECT/config then chmod the lxc directory:

    chmod 755 /var/lib/lxc

    Please be aware of this launchpad bug.

  4. Where should I store secrets?

    Place secrets in $MOJO_ROOT/LOCAL/$MOJO_PROJECT/$MOJO_STAGE/. Add the mojo secrets phase early in the manifest file. Please see the above section on secrets for more details.

  5. How can I use shared code for multiple specs?

    The collect phase can be used to collect code and store it in any location within the workspace relative to $MOJO_WORKSPACE_DIR/build. By placing shared code in the $MOJO_SPEC_DIR it creates a $MOJO_STAGE which can be run with mojo $CMD --stage $MOJO_STAGE. Example:

    # Collect file
    ../spec/shared $SHARED_BRANCH
    # Command
    mojo run --stage shared
  6. How can I iteratively test a spec without bzr committing each change to a repository?

    Simply change your spec_url to the local directory you are working out of.